[about the creators]

"black girls rock because we have no other choice." -- Dr. Iyanla Vanzant 

when i was your age, there were not any magazines or blogs made for girls who look like me and i HATED it.  i was too brown and curvy for "seventeen" and too young and fly for "essence."  at age 14, i wrote a proposal to create a teen magazine just for black girls but i never followed through and i regret it terribly.  now, at age 24, i refuse to let another generation of girls go by without this source of empowerment, so i recruited my cousins alexis (age 17) and jaila (age 13) to create something meaningful.

brenda michelle . is a blog designed to remind you that you are beautiful, smart, unique, witty, full of potential and have swag that cannot be replicated.

it is the big cousin you always wanted who let's you borrow her make-up and clothes, encourages you to reach your potential, and won't snitch to your parents if you say something off the wall.

it is a spot to chill with girls like you.

it is a way to stay on top of your game.

it is a place for open conversation without any judgment.

it is an opportunity to learn and grow.

it is a chance to believe in magic.

it. is. YOURS.

ashley n. prathereditor-in-chief. 
alexis m. bell, contributor
jaila n. bell, contributor