- is it just your family that wants you to drop him or are your friends feeling the same way? if everyone in your life thinks he's wack for you, there's a problem. try to see it from their point of view, they only want what's best for you.
- is he rude to your parents? he won't call dad or mom "Mr." or "Mrs.", he won't look your parents or older brother in the eye, but he is quick to tell you he doesn't care what they think and he's all you need. first, remember who loves you enough to put a roof over your head and food in your tummy. next, reconsider this guy's role in your life.
- have your grades started slipping since he came into your life? are you skipping work or not helping out around the house like you used to? this can be very hurtful to your parents and family. they probably feel like you care more this guy more than you care about them. plus, how you gon be a diva and run the world with poor grades and no hustle? just think about it.
- are you arguing more with your family because of him? sometimes parents can be overbearing know-it-alls. while they don't know it all, they were your age once. experience is the best teacher, and your folks have a lot of it. so just take a step back, take a deep breath, cool off and then try to have a conversation about why they don't like him without screamin & hollerin. you get more bees with honey than vinegar, girls!
when the people you love don't like your boyfriend, it's hard to maintain healthy relationships with anyone involved. it causes stress, and stress is not good for our pretty brown skin! i'm not saying your parents are always right, but i am saying that it's worth it to at least hear them out.
This is so true! When I was in high school I had a stupid boyfriend who I thought was the world, but really everyone in my life said he was no good for me. I didn't want to believe my friends and family, but they all had the same perception. I guess they were right, cuz he was cheating on me the whole time.